Ron Gilster
Ron Gilster is a best-selling author with more than 40 titles in print. He writes on topics including information technology (IT) certifications, real estate, and business. Ron has held a variety of IT-related positions, ranging from computer operator to senior manager. He has worked in consulting, manufacturing, software development, telecommunications, and higher education. He has an MBA and holds A+, Network+, i-Net+, CCNA, and AAGG certifications. He has developed and facilitated numerous courses and has taught in A+, Network+, and CCNA boot camps.
His books include CCNA For Dummies, A+ Certification for Dummies, Server+ For Dummies, Network+ For Dummies, i-Net+ For Dummies, Cisco Networking For Dummies, MCSA For Dummies, CCDA For Dummies, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007: A Beginner's Guide, CEA-CompTIA DHTI+ Digital Home Technology Integrator All-In-One Exam Guide, and PC Hardware: A Beginner's Guide.