Management and Supervision II

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$599 AUD
Quick Facts
  • Delivery Method Online
  • Professional Certificate
  • 24hrs Suggested Study Time
  • 3 Months Access
  • Tutor Support
  • Study On Any Device
  • 3947 Students

Learn how to be an effective manager or supervisor. Master the basics of communicating effectively, and learn tools for developing your own interpersonal skills.

What does a supervisor or a manager need to know? Have you ever felt technically prepared for a supervisor's role, yet felt defeated by all of the people issues that seem to arise? You are not alone; many people feel the same way.

In this self-paced online course, you will learn how to be a more effective manager or supervisor. You will master the basics of communication, because effective communication is essential in your quest to be a good manager or supervisor.

In addition, we will discuss how you can develop your interpersonal skills, by understanding and dealing with the various people issues that arise at work. We are going to show you how you can understand various personality traits--in yourself and in others--and how they impact the ability to get the job done. These traits include emotional intelligence, the need for power, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and more.

You will be able to assess your own personality, as well as the personalities of your co-workers and boss, and you'll develop a plan of action to improve both your interpersonal skills and your work relationships.

Courses are delivered to you through expertly executed lessons, online instruction and interaction with like-minded students. Our courses are designed to deliver all of the benefits of studying in a classroom whilst giving you the flexibility to study at a time and place to suit your needs. You can access your classroom 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.

This course has a 3 month duration. You'll complete comprehensive lessons, quizzes and assignments before submitting your final exam at the end of the course to achieve your certificate. Courses must be completed within the 3 month access period.

When a manager or supervisor begins to have problems in the workplace, it usually isn't due to any technical skill deficiency. More often than not, it's some kind of communication problem or interpersonal problem. This course will provide you with a great many tools you can use to help with the kinds of real-world issues that arise every day in the workplace. This first lesson will introduce you to some of the basic components of communication.

As we begin to identify problems or issues with communication in organizations, it's valuable to have a framework to help us understand it. In this lesson, we'll look at the directions in which communication flows in organizations, barriers to communication, and organizational issues that block communication.

How do you become a better communicator? Choosing the right communication method is a logical first step! This lesson will provide you with some tips for doing just that. We'll also talk about how to listen more effectively-the first step to being a more effective communicator.

What we say is only part of what we communicate. The non-verbal message can be just as powerful! In this lesson, you'll learn all about nonverbal communication and some techniques to make sure that you're not sending the wrong message. Then we'll start discussing written communication as well as how to use the writing process more effectively.

Communicating with individuals is a real art--communicating with groups multiplies the challenge! Here's we'll discuss groups and teams and how to best approach them with your communications. We'll also talk about some constructive criticism techniques as well as how to deliver bad news so that it is received and not resisted.

During times of organizational change it is difficult to communicate effectively, and sometimes hard to get your points across effectively. People are angry, tense, and anxious, and so are you! In this lesson, we'll look into what happens to the climate of the organization during times of change, and you'll learn how to communicate effectively when it counts the most.

In this lesson, we'll begin to discuss the second major topic of the course: Interpersonal skills. Here we'll go over why these skills are important in any organization and we'll look into a concept called emotional intelligence.

Personalities! They're all around us. You have one and so does everyone else. Many problems at work are blamed on personality conflicts. What does this really mean? We'll find out in this lesson. We'll begin by discussing the personality traits of introverts versus extroverts.

In this lesson, we'll talk about an important trait called <em>agreeableness</em>. People can be high or low or somewhere in between on this trait. Wherever they (or you) fall, there are positive and negative consequences, and we'll explore them all in this lesson. We'll do the same with another important trait: <em>conscientiousness</em>.

We'll discuss two more personality traits in Lesson 10--neuroticism and openness to experience. As we learned in Lesson 9, people can be high, low or somewhere in between on these traits, too. And wherever they fall, there are positive and negative consequences.

A need for power? Does that seem a bit autocratic to even admit to? Most of us do have at least some need for power, control, and influence. What should you do with that need for power? And do you use your power for good or for evil? Does it have anything to do with being a successful manager? We'll answer all of these questions in this lesson.

We'll wrap up the course and our discussion on interpersonal skills with some useful tips on how to use these new skills effectively-not just with your employees, but with your peers and your boss, as well.

Patricia Addesso

Patricia Addesso

Patricia Addesso has worked for over 20 years in retail, academic and telecommunications organisations. She has a doctorate in Industrial/Organisational Psychology, and well-grounded in the theory of human behavior at work. In addition, she has he... Read more

Read Patricia Addesso's Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you've made the payment, we'll send you a confirmation email with a link to start your course. Feel free to get started whenever you're ready!

You'll have 3 months access to your course. In that time you are free to study at your own pace. The course duration is 24 hours.

Online learning is a flexible way to study that fits around your schedule, giving you the freedom to learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world. You'll have 3 months to complete the course and can take the multiple-choice questions and final exam whenever it suits you.

If you need help, you can contact us anytime. You can also join the discussion area where you can interact with other students. The discussion area for each lesson is open for the entire duration of the course.

Of course! We offer a 7-day money back guarantee. As long as you haven't completed the course, you can get a full refund within 7 days of enrolling.

We do not offer extensions or transfers for this self-paced course. However, you will have 3 months to complete the course, and if you need to cancel within the first 10 days of enrolment, we offer a money back guarantee.

The Learning Environment

From the moment that you enrol in the Management and Supervision II you will become an integral part of our learning community. You'll find yourself with the freedom to learn at a speed that suits you, on any device, from anywhere in the world. Achieving your career goals no longer has to mean compromising family and work commitments.

Ready to get started?

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Our Values

Learn At Your Own Pace

We believe in personalised learning. That's why we provide all the tools and support you need to succeed at your own pace. With flexible learning, you'll stay motivated and retain more information. Plus, you can balance your studies with work and family commitments to make your dreams a reality.

We Won't Break The Bank

Education should be accessible to anyone who wants to learn. That's why we offer some of the most competitive prices in the industry with payments plans for just $25 per week. Investing in your future is a smart choice and doesn’t have to break the bank.

Industry-Led Courses

There's no better way to learn than from experts with years of experience in your field. That's why each of our 200+ industry-led courses are designed to give you a real-life perspective on your industry. With our expert mentors, you'll learn from people who have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and who are passionate about sharing it with you.

Get The Personal Support You Deserve

At Vibe Learning, we're real people who are dedicated to providing you with personal support every step of the way. Our industry experts are not only professional and knowledgeable but also incredibly passionate about sharing their expertise with you. With their guidance, you'll gain invaluable insights and practical knowledge to help you succeed.

Control Stress Online Course | Vibe Learning

Control Stress

Picture of Control Stress
Quick Facts
  • Delivery Method Online
  • Professional Certificate
  • 24hrs Suggested Study Time
  • 3 Months Access
  • Tutor Support
  • Study On Any Device
  • 330 Students

Explore the physiological, social, and psychological impacts of stress and study modalities to get stress under control.

Stress is at epidemic levels in the world today. It affects every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit, resulting in a wide range of symptoms from headaches or stomach ailments to heart disease and death. 

In this course, you'll explore the physiological, social, and psychological impacts of stress and study modalities to get stress under control. You'll examine the relationship between stress and health, nutrition, and physical activity, and discover how stress can develop in the workplace. You'll trace both the psychological and physiological effects of stress, and understand how stress affects health and wellbeing. Finally, you'll learn about the different therapies that can help reduce stress, including how healthy living habits—such as exercise and diet—can help counteract the negative impact of stress.

At the end of this program, you'll appreciate the importance of recognising the impact of stress, and you'll have gained knowledge of strategies and therapies to reduce and manage stress.


Courses are delivered to you through expertly executed lessons, online instruction and interaction with like-minded students. Our courses are designed to deliver all of the benefits of studying in a classroom whilst giving you the flexibility to study at a time and place to suit your needs. You can access your classroom 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.

This course has a 3 month duration. You'll complete comprehensive lessons, quizzes and assignments before submitting your final exam at the end of the course to achieve your certificate. Courses must be completed within the 3 month access period.

<p>Stress is at epidemic levels in the world today. Currently, as many as 90 percent of all visits to health-care providers in the United States are considered to be stress-related. Stress affects every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit, resulting in a wide range of symptoms from headaches or stomach ailments to heart disease or death. Stress is difficult to define because it varies from individual to individual. What one person finds stressful might not bother another person at all. There are many types of stress, and each can result in many different physiological effects on the body. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the physiology of stress, the body's responses to stress, and how stress affects the central nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. </p> <br>

A strong social support network is important during difficult times. A social support network consists of friends, family, and peers. Developing and maintaining supportive relationships provides feelings of belonging, self-worth, and security. Without a strong social support network, individuals can experience a sense of isolation, disconnection, and stress. Despite their initial impression of fostering connectedness, technology and social networking often increase a person's feelings of isolation because relationships established online may not be deep and real. In addition, incivility and a lack of regular contact with nature also increase stress. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the social context of stress, describe the impact of social support on health, identify the stressful effects of incivility, discuss how lack of contact with nature affects stress levels, and explain the stressful effects of technology, social networking, and multitasking.

Events, people, and circumstances fill our normal daily lives&ndash;along with a certain amount of stress. Some of us experience psychological effects from this stress, while others seem to be unaffected or even thrive when challenged. Why do we react differently to stressors? Despite much research on the topic, the answer is not clearly understood, but key elements include personality, emotional intelligence, and gender. The goal of this course is to describe stress and personality types; discuss stress appraisal, coping, and emotion; identify the elements of emotional intelligence; describe gender difference in exposure to stressors; and identify strategies for reducing psychological stress.

Stress can dramatically affect the body and the mind to the detriment of physical and psychological health. Both acute and chronic stress, the timing and duration of stress, gender, and genetics play a role in the complex relationship between stress and health. The goal of this course is to examine the relationship between stress and health; describe the role of stress in the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, drug use, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, sleep disorders, and eating disorders.

Most individuals enjoy sitting down and eating a delicious meal. Food provides an opportunity to socialize and, if the food is nutritious, it also supports a healthy body and mind. However, when individuals are stressed, they are not able to utilize the nutrients they eat as effectively as when they are relaxed. If stress causes an individual to eat food that is not nutritious, health issues can result. Nutrition, stress, and the immune system are closely related. The goals of this course are to describe the relationship between food and emotions; to explain the stress response; to discuss the effects of stress on nutrition and health; to define mindful eating and methods of eating mindfully; and to examine elements of nutrition that support a healthy immune system.

Physical activity is essential in a program for stress management and overall health. This can include activities such as walking, running, swimming, cycling, skiing, dancing, gardening, yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan, weight lifting, stretching, as well as many other practices. These activities provide an integrative, holistic, healthy way to connect mind, body, and spirit, which improves physical, mental, and emotional health. The goal of this course is to examine the types of physical activity, the physiological benefits of physical activity, and how various types of exercise can help manage stress and improve health and well-being.

For most Americans, the workplace is ever-changing and a major source of daily stress. As a result, the economic and personal health effects of workplace stress are at epidemic levels, making it one of the most important health challenges of the 21st century. The goal of this course is to describe the extent of workplace stress; compare and contrast job stress and job burnout; identify the causes of job stress; discuss the extent of workplace violence and horizontal violence; identify health effects of workplace stress; and list ways to reduce job stress.

Writing has been an important part of the human experience for centuries but has only recently been recognized as a therapeutic tool for healing. Used to document personal and historical events, describe emotions and feelings, reduce stress, and explore creativity, journaling allows individuals to develop a deeply personal relationship with themselves. The goal of the course is to provide an overview of the healing aspects of journaling, explore journaling as a stress-reduction tool, examine the definition of journaling and the purpose of journal writing, explore how journaling is used for health and healing, describe specific journal writing styles and themes, and explain guidelines and tips for successful journal writing.

You may think you don't have a lot of control over the stress in your life, but you have more control than you might think. There are many ways to manage and reduce stress by using stress-relieving techniques and therapies. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the techniques and therapies to reduce and manage stress, which include self-awareness, cognitive restructuring, sound healing and music therapy, meditation, nature, imagery, biofeedback, art, and dance.

Cyndie Koopsen and Caroline Young

Cyndie Koopsen and Caroline Young

Cyndie Koopsen,RN, BSN, MBA, HNB-BC, RN-BC, NC-BCis a nurse who has cared for patients in acute care settings, community clinics, and the home. Her professional nursing career has involved nursing executive leadership and administration, staff dev... Read more

Read Cyndie Koopsen and Caroline Young's Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you've made the payment, we'll send you a confirmation email with a link to start your course. Feel free to get started whenever you're ready!

You'll have 3 months access to your course. In that time you are free to study at your own pace. The course duration is 24 hours.

Online learning is a flexible way to study that fits around your schedule, giving you the freedom to learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world. You'll have 3 months to complete the course and can take the multiple-choice questions and final exam whenever it suits you.

If you need help, you can contact us anytime. You can also join the discussion area where you can interact with other students. The discussion area for each lesson is open for the entire duration of the course.

Of course! We offer a 7-day money back guarantee. As long as you haven't completed the course, you can get a full refund within 7 days of enrolling.

We do not offer extensions or transfers for this self-paced course. However, you will have 3 months to complete the course, and if you need to cancel within the first 10 days of enrolment, we offer a money back guarantee.

The Learning Environment

From the moment that you enrol in the Control Stress you will become an integral part of our learning community. You'll find yourself with the freedom to learn at a speed that suits you, on any device, from anywhere in the world. Achieving your career goals no longer has to mean compromising family and work commitments.

Our Values

Learn At Your Own Pace

We believe in personalised learning. That's why we provide all the tools and support you need to succeed at your own pace. With flexible learning, you'll stay motivated and retain more information. Plus, you can balance your studies with work and family commitments to make your dreams a reality.

We Won't Break The Bank

Education should be accessible to anyone who wants to learn. That's why we offer some of the most competitive prices in the industry with payments plans for just $25 per week. Investing in your future is a smart choice and doesn’t have to break the bank.

Industry-Led Courses

There's no better way to learn than from experts with years of experience in your field. That's why each of our 200+ industry-led courses are designed to give you a real-life perspective on your industry. With our expert mentors, you'll learn from people who have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and who are passionate about sharing it with you.

Get The Personal Support You Deserve

At Vibe Learning, we're real people who are dedicated to providing you with personal support every step of the way. Our industry experts are not only professional and knowledgeable but also incredibly passionate about sharing their expertise with you. With their guidance, you'll gain invaluable insights and practical knowledge to help you succeed.

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